What role did women play in Espionage in 20th century
approximately 10-12 pages not including your title page and bibliography and appendix if any.) Standard 12 pt font, cursive or non-cursive, double spaced text, standard 2.5 cm margins, 11” X 8 ½” paper. Pages must be stapled (no binders or paperclips), paginated, and submitted with a cover page containing no art or decorative elements. The cover page must have: your name, student number, course number, and essay title. Essays not conforming to these standards will not be accepted and late penalties will be imposed until the essay is resubmitted in the required format. Essays must be based on a minimum of six sources (not including course texts but seminar readings are acceptable), and should not include, encyclopedias, textbooks, or general or popular histories, or unapproved websites, (2 marks deducted for every Wikipedia or like citation) etc., as described above in Part 1. Paragraphs are to be indented without any additional spaces between paragraphs, unlike in this course outline, for example. Any relevant images, maps, graphs included in the essay are to be placed into an Appendix at the back. The essay should have a single descriptive title or a creative title with a descriptive subtitle. For example: Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders or The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution, etc. “History Essay” is not a title. Marks will be deducted for essays submitted without a title and/or title page. approximately 10-12 pages not including your title page and bibliography and appendix if any.) Standard 12 pt font, cursive or non-cursive, double spaced text, standard 2.5 cm margins, 11” X 8 ½” paper. Pages must be stapled (no binders or paperclips), paginated, and submitted with a cover page containing no art or decorative elements. The cover page must have: your name, student number, course number, and essay title. Essays not conforming to these standards will not be accepted and late penalties will be imposed until the essay is resubmitted in the required format. Essays must be based on a minimum of six sources (not including course texts but seminar readings are acceptable), and should not include, encyclopedias, textbooks, or general or popular histories, or unapproved websites, (2 marks deducted for every Wikipedia or like citation) etc., as described above in Part 1. Paragraphs are to be indented without any additional spaces between paragraphs, unlike in this course outline, for example. Any relevant images, maps, graphs included in the essay are to be placed into an Appendix at the back. The essay should have a single descriptive title or a creative title with a descriptive subtitle. For example: Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders or The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution, etc. “History Essay” is not a title. Marks will be deducted for essays submitted without a title and/or title page.
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