Educational Interventions within an international Educational Academy

Educational Interventions within an international Educational Academy


Paper details:

For this essay I am focusing on different interventions which ultimately have different effects. I would also like to show that there are gender differences. Using the raw data we need to identify different categories and elaborate in the intervention. Please read exemplar 1,2 and 3. it is important that we use theories of education 1. To promote an understanding of the ways that theory can help illuminate different facets of the same phenomena within education 2. To critically evaluate the ways that theory provides an important framework within educational research 3. To critically reflect on the ways that theory underpins educational policy and practice. We need to use for the introduction:Good introductions are: Halsey, A.H., Lauder, H., Brown, P., Stuart Wells, A. (1997). Education, Culture, Economy, Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fuller, C. (2009). Sociology, Gender and Educational Aspirations: Girls and their Ambitions. London: Continuum. Curren, R. (2007). Philosophy of Education: An Anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Long, M. (2010). The psychology of education (2nd ed). Oxon: Routledge Farmer. Please read the module handbook and make use of reference that might help in this essay. you need to use the raw data. Please remember that this essay is about using the data that I uploaded and using the educational theories to elicit an argument with critical analysis . Also please read the powerpoints to find the THEORIES that need to be used. Finally, I will also need a short 5 min summary with pointers to share with my colleagues about the key findings from this essay.

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