Entries by Admin

Cerámica América makes both commercial and home sinks, toilets, and tile throughout Latin America

Cerámica América makes both commercial and home sinks, toilets, and tile throughout Latin America. There have been many complaints that its commercial sinks are of poor quality. Recently, a new type of home sink, Modelo Americano, has been developed. The company hopes that this new model is of better quality. Quality Control tests sinks using […]

Autonomous Haulage Systems in oil sands operation

Autonomous Haulage Systems in oil sands operation 1) What is Autonomous Haulage System? 2) How the system works in oil sands production. 3) Difference between commercial Autonomous Vehicle (such as Tesla, BMW, Audi, etc.) and Oil sands Autonomous Haulage systems (Heavy Equipment in oil sands industry) 4) The benefits that the system can bring to […]

Cultural Immersion paper

Paper details: Cultural Immersion Project Part 1: Distant Encounter – The student will read 3 scholarly resources on his/her cultural group of interest. The student must also review 3 significant media resources related to the culture, using the internet or media. Based on these activities, the student must then share his/her most interesting finding. Part […]

Marine pollution

Marine pollution   Paper details: Paragraph 1: Summarize What kind of source is this? What is the thesis or main claim of the source? What evidence or claims does the source present in support of the thesis? Present at least two examples of support the source uses. What other important claims does the source make? […]

Report on Stimulation Game

Mimic Pro Simulation | Join this section: https://home.stukent.com/join/915-DDF Over the course of the term, there will be 7 rounds. The simulation will inform content in your written report. The simulation is a mandatory component of the course and all students must participate. The purpose of the simulation is to give “real” experience with Landing Page […]

Comet Skateboard Communication Issues

Comet Skateboard Communication Issues Paper details Focus on the three communication issues below that might face “Comet Skateboards” business. Use two references from the below at least. Explain the concepts and apply it to comet skateboards business. Add your own opinion and analysis. Communication issues: Business Etiquette (Guffy chapter 11) Communication Culture (Zaremba Chapter 7) […]

Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment

Book: Advanced Safety Management Focusing on Z10 and Serious Injury Prevention Second Edition: Fred A. Manuele Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Project Be sure to read all of the instructions. There are two documents to be prepared and submitted. Following steps 1-11 of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Guide in the course textbook (pp. […]

United states becoming an imperialist world

United states becoming an imperialist world Paper details What evidence supports the contention that the United States was becoming an imperialist world power by the early 20th century (1870-1914) and assess if the costs were worth it. Be specific and detailed. six paragraph minimum.

Cause and Effect: “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop

Cause and Effect: “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop  For the second paper, I’d like you to–mostly–write an essay on the topic of your choice (as long as you have a thesis and discuss/quote from at least one class reading). At the end, though, I’d like you to add a section on how and why you […]

International and US Employment Law

Description Identify one law from the United States and one international law. Compare and contrast each law in a 4 page paper. Discuss the following topics in order using the prescribed section headers in bold. Section 1: Introduction. Introduce the topic and provide a 1–2-sentence thesis, or position, on the topic. Section 2: United States […]

Investigate Family Life

 Investigate Family Life   Paper details: Instructions: For this assignment, you have read Chapters 4 in your textbook and reflected on how parents’ involvement in their children’s lives has evolved over time. Now reflect on what you have learned about the history of parent involvement. Your textbook describes the growth of parent education and the […]

Crisis Communication Plan

Crisis Communication Plan Paper details: EDMG420: Risk Communication (American Military University) Read Crisis Communications : A Casebook Approach by Kathleen Fearn-Banks, specifically Chapter 15 and Appendixes A, B and C. CREATE a Crisis Communication Plan for your organization or an organization of your choice. Using the materials from your weekly assignments, develop a detailed CCP. […]

Modelling & Simulation for human Behavior analysis: applications and challenges

Modelling & Simulation for human Behavior analysis: applications and challenges   Paper details: Introduction Applications of Modelling & Simulation for Behavior analysis in policy and decision-making Applications of Modelling & Simulation for Behaviour analysis in traffic and transportation Applications of Modelling & Simulation for Behaviour analysis in safety Applications of Modelling & Simulation for Behaviour […]

Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior

Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior   Paper details: Please read the attached research article and summarize your findings. I expect discussion regarding the purpose of the article, the general (very general, think concise here) methods of the research, their overall findings, and your personal thoughts (did you like it, did it […]

Rate of Return for Stocks and Bonds

Assignment Steps Calculate the following problems and provide an overall summary of how companies make financial decisions in no more than 700 words, based on your answers: Stock Valuation: A stock has an initial price of $100 per share, paid a dividend of $2.00 per share during the year, and had an ending share price […]