The impact of the Easter Monday public holidays
Portfolio 1: The first installment of the completed week-by-week response tasks. Early diagnostic Weight: 20% Type of Collaboration: Individual Due: Friday April 5th, by 11.59pm (that is, before midnight) Submission: Submit electronically via vUWS Format: Length: 800 words Curriculum Mode: Portfolio
The impact of the Easter Monday public holidays in weeks 7-8 disrupts the tutorial schedule and out of class work on the portfolio exercise about researching our cultural relationships with water provides a commensurate substitute for face-to-face time. Also, the diary task for the week 7/8 portfolio provides a unique opportunity to engage the research process from research design, through the generation of data, to methodological reflection. Assessment Description: First submission of portfolio exercises (approx. 800 words, 20% weighting) For the first instalment of your submission of portfolio exercises you are required to complete TWO selected from the exercises (400 words each) available for weeks 2, 3 & 4. This first instalment is aimed at giving you space to get used to the style of assessment, and formative feedback on the set criteria and standards for the tasks will be provided in vUWS to enable your to improve your response to portfolio tasks in the rest of the unit. Assessment Requirements – Engagement: The portfolio entries must demonstrate capacity to explore the methods in questions through thoughtfulengagementwithallcomponentsoftheUnit-lecturepods,tutorialpreparationandin-classactivities, and set readings. – Writing:Portfoliotasksmusthavetheappropriatesyntax,spellingandgeneralpresentation,and-ifthenatureof the exercises calls for it-demonstrate your capacity to integrate sources and reference them appropriately – Organisation and Relevance:The content of responses must be relevant and a direct response to the task. Portfolio entries are short so you should use your word limits to effect by avoiding vagueness, generalisation and rambling. All components of the task must be completed and integrated into the portfolio submissio
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