The ideal house, and the general tastes of Yoshida Kenkō Discussion
Topic In Tsurezuregusa, Yoshida Kenkō describes his ideal house, as well as its very opposite. Describe both in your own words. Next, discuss how these relate to his general taste. (You’ll need to read quite a few of the entries to get a sense of this). Be sure to cite specific examples and give the chapter numbers.) The idea is to describe and discuss his aesthetic tastes in general, and specifically how his ideas about houses fit into and/or exemplify these tastes. Week 3 Discussion 2: Characteristics of the ideal person (and the not so ideal) Discussion Topic Yoshida Kenkō describes characteristics of two types of people throughout his Tsurezuregusa. One is the cultivated, refined, sensitive person, and the other is the unrefined, vulgar and boorish person. What are the qualities of each type? How do they each speak, behave, present themselves, etc? Read through Tsurezuregusa to find examples of each, and be sure to give the chapter numbers of the entries you use as examples.
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