The external appearance and internal layout/components (altar, tabernacle, etc.).
1. Discuss the external appearance and internal layout/components (altar, tabernacle, etc.) of A. Romanesque churches B. Gothic Cathedrals C. Italian Renaissance Cathedral of Florence D. Baroque church: the Gesu church in Rome 2. Discuss how the internal layout/components affected/impacted the experience of the assembly in each of these four kinds of churches: A. Romanesque churches B. Gothic Cathedrals C. Italian Renaissance Cathedral of Florence D. Baroque church: Gesu in Rome 3. Jesus said, “Take and eat…Take and drink…” Paul said “those who receive the loaf that is broken and shared become the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 10: 16-17). How does the emergence of the monstrance (From Age to Age, pp. 219-25, quote 268 on 224, and 276-77) symbolize new, and in some ways problematic, developments? 4. A. Discuss the various ways in which the Eucharist was reserved (after the Eucharistic celebration/Mass) over the course of centuries (From Age to Age, pages 64-65, 116-17, 168-69, 224, 250-51, and 276-78). B. When did the tabernacle begin to be placed on the main altar (up against the wall with the priest standing with his back to the assembly)? How did the directives of 1584, 1614, and 1863 contribute toward making the tabernacle “a facet of a church’s architecture”? C. What is placed in the tabernacle? D. In the era after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), the custom of recent centuries has been reconsidered. How can reserving the Eucharist from previous celebrations at a location away from the area immediately around the main altar table serve to make clear/emphasize the primary fact that Jesus becomes present during the prayer over bread and wine within the Eucharistic celebration of the assembly? Do you know the location of the tabernacle in the main campus church of St. Thomas of Villanova(You can search in google: Villanova University)?
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