Should Basic Income be introduced ?Write an academic argument of 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length (2000-2500 words) on one of the topics listed on the term paper topic sheet that I will post on the Moodle course website in the second week of clas
Should Basic Income be introduced in Canada? Consider arguments on both sides of
the debate and explain which position you find most convincing. Show how political
ideology influences one’s position in this debate.
Citation style: MLA formatting and style citations are preferred. A bibliography should
be included at the end of the paper.
Assignment description:
4 of 10
Write an academic argument of 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages in length (2000-2500
words) on one of the topics listed on the term paper topic sheet that I will post on the
Moodle course website in the second week of classes.
The pages of the term paper should be numbered. The paper must show evidence of
attention to the required readings in addition to utilizing two books, or two articles, or
one book and one article from the library that were not part of the list of required
readings. Journalistic sources (e.g., newspapers or popular magazines such as The Walrus
or Maclean’s), or websites lacking strong scholarly credentials do not count. Articles that
count should be from refereed academic journals and/or books published by academic
presses. Direct quotations must be indicated as such, through footnotes or endnotes. All
other borrowings must be properly cited: you MUST give sources for all information and
ideas that you did not invent. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will be
disciplined according to Kwantlen policy. You MUST use quotation marks when you are
borrowing someone’s word-for-word phrasing. In other words: direct borrowings must be
indicated as such.
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