Sensitivity and Specificity
You learned the basics of outbreak investigation in Module 1, and additional measures of disease occurrence and approaches to measuring and monitoring disease frequency in this module. Consider how descriptive epidemiology and surveillance are important and useful tools to identify and track trends in disease occurrence, and the basic measures of disease frequency that are used. Remember, epidemiologists count! They ‘count’ in that they make a difference in the world of public health. They also literally count because they measure disease frequency – and then interpret. Think about how visualizing data is an important aspect of this process. In a MS Word or similar document, with each question numbered, respond to each of the questions below. Disease Status Screening Status Sick Healthy Total Positive 78 792 870 Negative 22 9,108 9,130 Total 100 9,900 10,000 1. Using these data (above), calculate the following and interpret the results in a sentence. Sensitivity False Negative Rate Specificity False Positive Rate Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value Prevalence of Disease Disease Status Screening Status Sick Healthy Total Positive 640 1,400 2,040 Negative 360 7,600 7,960 Total 1,000 9,000 10,000 2. Using these data (above), calculate the following and interpret the results in a sentence. Sensitivity False Negative Rate Specificity False Positive Rate Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value Prevalence of Disease
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