Research Proposal (2000 words maximum)Submission deadline: 12 April 2019 Failure to submit your work by this deadline will result in a mark of 0% The assignment must also be submitted in electronic format to the ‘Turnitin’ drop-box in the Canvas site for this module You are advised to plan your work carefully and backup your work. Computing problems will NOT be accepted as reasons for non-submission For your information when preparing your coursework, refer to the ‘Statement of Authenticity’ to be found on the assessment tab of each moduleWrite a Research Proposal on how to organise, conduct and communicate research on your chosen research topic. Your Research Proposal should discuss the following areas and be structured using the headings indicated: Area and context of research & Research question – identification of your chosen area of research and discussion of why it is important. What is the specific question you seek to answer? [250 words] Theoretical framework – outline the key aspects of the relevant economic theory that form the basis to your research topic. [500 words]
Empirical / Contextual literature review – an overview and evaluation of at least 5- 6 relevant academically-credible sources (e.g. refereed journal articles, research-based books, departmental working papers, government/international organisations/NGO reports etc.) to support the specific methodology or approach to be taken to answer your research question. Ensure you explain how their approach, findings or conclusions relate to your topic area; do not simply describe them. [1000 words] Method and data to be used – what method(s) are appropriate to answering your question/hypotheses? What data will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it? [250 words] Construct my title and this assignment around the oil industry and the economic and political factors it has had on the middle east and the west (U
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