Pre-Course Reflection and Portfolio Creation
To help you maximize your ability to transfer your composing skills from this class to all your future composing endeavors, regular reflection is needed. As you’re reflecting, slow yourself down. Take time to think carefully and critically before you compose. The grade for this Assignment is determined by the following two components: Pre-Course Reflection (75 pts.): As you begin your Pre-Course Reflection, review the course learning outcomes (the WPA Outcomes and the Habits of Mind) and think about what you know about them already. Then address the following in your reflection. All the parts of this reflection outlined below require you to provide specific evidence from the assignments you’ve completed in the course so far and composing you’ve done prior to starting this course. Examples of specific evidence might come from any of the following: • written or multimedia work in other courses • written or multimedia work you compose for a professional situation (e.g., emails to supervisors or coworkers, PowerPoint presentations, reports) • written communication with family members, including on social media sites, texts, and emails • writing you do for fun or as a creative outlet • composing you do in your community, for instance, a letter to the editor or a comment on a political blog Remember: Work to make your reflection multimodal. Embrace and utilize the multimodal affordances of Digication. Use colored fonts, images, pictures, etc. to guide and engage your readers. 1. WPA Outcomes. a. Explain which terms and concepts from the bullet points under each WPA Outcome section (Rhetorical Knowledge; Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing; Processes; and Knowledge of Conventions) are familiar, which are new, and which you might find confusing. Describe how you have used any of these ideas, practices, and skills in your composing previously, either in other classes or in other contexts, providing specific examples (see above). b. Choose 1-2 bullet points under each section in the WPA Outcomes (specifically under Rhetorical Knowledge; Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing; Processes; and Knowledge of Conventions) that you feel most confident in. Briefly explain why you feel strong in these areas, providing examples from other composing situations where you excelled in these areas (see above for examples). c. Choose 1-2 bullet points under each section in the WPA Outcomes you feel you will need to work on the most. Briefly explain why you need to improve in these areasand provide specific examples from past writing situations that will serve as evidence to support your claims. 2. Habits of Mind (HoM). a. Choose 2-3 HoM that you feel most confident in. Providing specific examples from previous composing situations and experiences, explain why you identify these HoM as strength areas for you. b. Choose 2-3 HoM that you feel most challenged by (or that you think you need the most practice in). Providing specific examples from previous composing situations, explain why you identify these HoM as composing challenge areas for you. c. Think about and explain what specific HoM you will most need to draw on in order to improve in the WPA Outcomes you identified as needing the most work. 3. Theory of Writing. Describe how you view yourself as a composer and how you feel about composing and writing, including specific examples from previous composing you have done to support your claims. What are your goals for improving as a rhetorical composer? Explain any other activities, practices, or skills you think you will need to reach these goals.
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