Fact-Finding and Commissions of Inquiry The writer should be interested interested in two institutions’ rules for fact-finding or inquiry: Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Fact-Finding Commissions of Inquiry Rules; International Center for Settlement
Fact-Finding proceedings and Commissions of Inquiry are alternative means for dispute resolution. I’m interested in two institutions’ rules for fact-finding or inquiry: Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Fact-Finding Commissions of Inquiry Rules; International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Additional Facility Fact-Finding Rules. The PCA fact-finding rules have been used five times, but ICSID’s Additional Facility fact-finding rules have never been used. This year, ICSID has proposed amendments to the fact-finding rules, so discuss the proposed amendments to ICSID’s fact-finding rules, too.
The paper should begin by introducing both sets of rules, how they were created, and the major differences between them. There have been five commissions of inquiry under the PCA’s rules. The paper should present the background, facts, and outcome for each of those five commissions of inquiry. The paper also should explain how, to whatever extent you can find this information, the rules were used in each case. I already have several sources that include the relevant PCA rules, ICSID rules, and helpful background information (attached eight files, including a brief annotated (somewhat) bibliography). Thank you for helping me write the introduction and background for my research.
All citations should be in footnotes. 4000 words is enough. Thanks again. I look forward to receiving the final product.
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