Executive Director for Infant Formula Division within Biotech
This is the second of three exercises that you will be completing. This exercise represents very little research from the Internet so you will be focusing on the course material to complete this exercise. Scenarios: With the selection of a new Executive Director for Infant Formula Division within Biotech, it is time for to look at how the new division will function within Biotech. There will be many factors for the Director to consider while planning the future, to include both short and long term plans. Biotech will need to begin the process of establishing a strategy for the division specifying goals and objectives to follow to succeed early in the project. However, Biotech needs to understand that nothing is possible without the proper personnel in place to see this strategy to fruition. Expert Foods Consultants has been retained to continue its partnership with Biotech working on the Infant Formula Division but instead of working with Melanie, will now assist the new Director. As the team lead, you will be traveling extensively with the new Director to the other major divisions spending time directly with the directors and getting to know their strategies for maintaining a well-oiled group while meeting the mission and vision. Getting to know Biotech’s leadership teams will be critical as well as doing so will allow the Expert Foods consultants to help with the vetting of potential leaders. The new Infant Formula Director has asked you to help identify the types of leadership qualities the organization will need to have in place to help the new division align with the mission and vision of the organization as well as Melanie’s desire for a more sustainable future by being an environmentally and human friendly company. There are several elements that result from the planning stage, one of which is the development of long-term goals. Long-term goals are set by the owners, leaders or upper management depending on the structure, size or type of organization. Long-term goals reflect the big-picture goals and objectives are directly related to the purpose and vision that the leaders and owners develop. In today’s change-dominated business environment long-term goals are set to be accomplished in 2-3 years’ time as opposed to the previous century’s 5-10 years. Long-term goals are often created through planning and strategizing. The process begins with the vision and mission of the business. To understand the concepts of vision and mission and role of each in the planning process, you will take the role of the leader and formulate the vision and mission of an organization. With the addition of a new division and, more importantly, a new product line senior leadership has determined that the current Mission and Vision statements may not be as relevant as they once were. Max has tasked you as the team lead from Expert Foods Consultants to present a more relevant Mission and Vision statement to reflect Biotech’s growing presence but also its desire to be a leader in sustainability and green products. Current Company Vision: To help provide everyone with the healthiest life possible in the most natural of ways. Current Mission: To develop products that are safe, effective, affordable and natural with the customer’s health always their primary goal.
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