Examining the stages of your life.
For the purpose of this TWO PAGE double-spaced equivalent paper, examine ALL STAGES OF YOUR LIFE. Some of you might not know very much about your infancy and/or do not have anyone to ask regarding this part of your life. If this is the case, find a concept that you think could have happened to you during your first two years of life. If you aren’t currently in middle or late adulthood, find a concept that you think will apply to you and your life in the future. You will cut and paste your paper into Canvas, so just try to get the formatting as close to accurate as you can within the confines of Canvas. For Chapter 20, Death, Dying and Bereavement, find a concept that is important to you. Review your life and apply ONE concept (it can be any concept we have discussed in modules, discussions, videos, textbook, etc.. make sure to provide an in-text citation on where you got your information from and also provide an APA style reference for these ideas at the end of your paper in your references section, otherwise it is considered plagiarism!). You will apply one different concept from EACH of the following periods of life, listed in the chapters below. Therefore, you will have a total of 8 concepts to apply to yourself. For example, for Period 6 you may choose to discuss the concept of puberty and will talk about your own experiences with puberty. For Period 7, you may choose to discuss the concept of palliative care and will talk about how you anticipate how you may need palliative care, etc… Period 1. Ch 4, 5, 6 INFANCY (First 2 Years) [5 pts] Period 2. Ch 7, 8 EARLY CHILDHOOD (2 – 5 Years) [5 pts] Period 3. Ch 9, 10 MIDDLE TO LATE CHILDHOOD (5 – 12 Years) [5 pts] Period 4. Ch 11, 12 ADOLESCENCE (12 – 20 Years) [5 pts] Period 5. Ch 13, 14 EARLY ADULTHOOD (20 – 40 Years) [5 pts] Period 6. Ch 15, 16 MIDDLE ADULTHOOD (40 – 65 Years) [5 pts] Period 7. Ch 17, 18, 19 LATE ADULTHOOD (65 Years and Beyond) [5 pts] Period 8. Ch 20 DEATH, DYING AND BEREAVEMENT [5 pts] Please put the concept you are defining and applying in Bold and Underline it too. Be sure to provide APA style In-text citations for all ideas that are not your own (5 pts) and an APA style references section at the end (5 pts). Please see the link provided under Announcements on APA style to help guide you if you are unfamiliar with APA style. You do not need a “cover page” nor an “abstract”.
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