Emergency Plan Analysis
Emergency Plan Analysis
This project requires you to analyze and discuss elements within the selected plan. Please note: This is not a cut-and-paste exam. Although you can use quoted excerpts from the plan or outside research sources on which you rely, quotations should not be the main component of your response to the exam’s questions. I expect the majority of your analysis to be in your own words. In short, a response to any question which consists of only cut-and-pasted information does not fulfill the requirements of this exam. Plan.Requirements: 1. You are required to answer the five questions and their sub-components found in this project. For clarity, you are expected to identify each of your answers by conforming them to the question numbers found in the final project, i.e. 1a., 1b., etc. 2. All references to the plan and any outside research used in your analysis should be properly cited using the APA style for in text reference citations, to include both page and paragraph numbers where you found your information. Your project should include a properly styled APA Reference List of sources cited in your analysis State of Florida 2018 Comprehensive Emergency Management Basic Plan (August, 2014) found at: https://floridadisaster.org/globalassets/cemp/2018-state-cemp.pdf The Emergency Support Function (ESF) Annex for the plan is included after the Basic QUESTIONS Question 1 Discuss the following elements found in the plan: a. The most important mission, goal or objective of the plan and why. b. The legislative authority for the plan and what it accomplishes. c. The command and control structure, and why it is essential to the plan. d. The levels of activation. Provide an example of an emergency and discuss each activation level from the plan as it would relate to events in the emergency you selected. Question 2 Using the emergency you chose in Question 1(d), discuss specific activities within the plan related to the four phases of emergency management: a. Hazard mitigation b. Emergency response c. Disaster recovery d. Emergency preparedness Question 3 Discuss the scope of operations found in the plan. Identify the most important strength to its operational plan and its greatest weakness. Explain why you chose this strength and weakness supporting your explanation with current research. Question 4 Discuss the following: a. What important assumptions were built into the plan? b. Why did the planner(s) include them? c. Why are they significant to the success of the plan? Question 5 Select ONE of these two Emergency Support Functions associated with your plan: Communication or Energy. For this ESF, discuss the following: a. Primary agency and primary responsibilities b. Scope, purpose, or objectives c. Organization and the complications it may present d. Specific actions related to mitigation, response, recovery and preparedness under the ESF e. Strengths and weaknesses (Do not accept the assumption there are none.)
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