Demonstrate an understanding of your chosen essay subject and how it integrates into your understanding of yourself and your faith.
6 – 8 page paper that will demonstrate an understanding of your chosen essay subject and how it integrates into your understanding of yourself and your faith. This essay should follow the requirements of a good essay with clear introduction, body, and conclusion. You need to utilize at least two sources in addition to your textbook. This essay must be properly sourced. This paper will be due the sixth course meeting and will be worth 25% of your course grade. You may be asked to share some of your findings with the class depending upon the class size. IMPORTANT NOTES ON YOUR FINAL PAPER:
• Use MLA style for your paper, cf. the MLA Handbook • The sources cited (bibliography) page does not count towards the total page count • To count as a page you need to have at least half the page covered in good content. • Use good scholastic skills in constructing your essay. It needs a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. • Cite all of your sources. Citing includes not only quotes. You must also cite all knowledge and facts that you learned from someone’s work. • Do not use electronic resources that do not provide you the author for the article that you intend to cite (hint: use websites that end in .edu). • Do not quote secondary sources, save your quotes for primary sources, so paraphrase the rest (and cite them).
• Do not type out the entire biblical quote; just give us the book, chapter, and verse. • Save your comments and opinions until your conclusion, just build your evidence through the body, and then tell us what it means in your conclusion. (Note: This work should be written up in your word processor. Then you will submit the file {Word or .rtf format} through the website as per submitting written assignments. You will not need to email the file as an attachment.) This final project should cover a specific historic theme, or pattern, that you have identified through your reading. You would be advised to provide evidence for your chosen theme from more than one civilization and from more than one time period. Remember, a historic pattern, or theme, points to events and/or human behavior found in various civilizations over time, e.g. a government using religion to reach its own ends or a country that exists on expansionism and ultimately colapses when it can not longer expand
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