Concept Analysis of a Middle Range Theory on Caregiver Stress by Contributor Pao-Feng Tsai.
This is a PowerPoint presentation. The directions/Grading Rubric are below: Summer session, 2019 Group Theory Presentation Assignment: Description, Analysis, Evaluation, and Illustration of a Middle Range Theory for Advanced Practice Nursing Assignment objectives: Develop a comprehensive understanding of a selected middle range theory, presenting a description, analysis, and evaluation of selected theory for building nursing knowledge. Expected outcomes of the group theory presentation 1. Thoroughly analyze a middle range theory according to accepted standards (specific criteria below) 2. Contribute to a small group effort and evenly distributed work load 3. In a scholarly and concise way, present a middle range theory with description, analysis, evaluation, and practical illustration for advanced practice nursing 4. Facilitate discussion related to the selected middle range theory and its application to the care of individuals, families, or populations 5. Describe the impact of the theory on nursing knowledge development 6. Demonstrate skills in reasoning, comprehension, presentation, and discussion in a critical, reflective manner ________________________________________ Presentation Guidelines Step by Step (there is no required paper): 1) Select work group partners. 2) Go to the Google Docs link provided on course page to select a middle range theory from the list provided. Faculty may approve other theories. 3) Sign up for selected theory. Course faculty will assign presentation date for each group and order of presentations. 4) Develop group partnership contract specifying balance of labor and timelines (form on Canvas course page). 5) Study the theory thoroughly, using multiple sources, to incorporate the following in the presentation: Description: a) Specify the purpose of the theory: describe, explain, predict, or prescribe b) Specify the scope of the theory c) Delineate major concepts and theoretical propositions d) Identify the theory’s major assumptions. Are they explicitly described, or implicit? e) Is the context for use described? Analysis: f) Are concepts theoretically and operationally described? g) Are linkages made explicit? h) Is the theory logically organized? i) Is there a model or diagram? Does it help clarify the theory? j) Are outcomes or consequences stated or predicted? Evaluation: k) Has the theory been tested empirically? Is it supported by research? Does it appear to be accurate? l) Is there evidence that the theory has been used by nurse educators, nurse researchers, or nurse administrators? m) Is the theory relevant socially, cross-culturally? n) Does the theory contribute to the discipline of nursing? What are the implications for nursing? (adapted from McEwen & Wills “Synthesized Method for Theory Evaluation”) 6) Develop a PowerPoint presentation, using correct APA style, correct grammar, syntax, and spelling; cite sources appropriately and include references cited on last slide(s). Presentation should follow the adaptation of McEwen & Wills “Synthesized Method for Theory Evaluation” above. Facilitate class discussion of theory and implications for 5-10 minutes. 10) Complete peer evaluation of work group member(s) (page 2 of group contract); submit individually to Canvas within 24 hours following presentation.
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