Canada Day Analysis Report
Choose a Canada Day Event. It must be a large, public event. The event should have some form of advertising such as posters, television ads, facebook or social media ads or a website. Visit the event and write a report as follows. Two to three pages, double-spaced. Any readings or texts used should be cited. Submit your report by July 3rd to Quercus. Your report should be based on your analysis of the advertising, your observations at the event, or/and further research if necessary. Include a selfie of yourself at the event. You may also include other photos to support observations. Your report should be written as a formal report (organized into paragraphs). Your first paragraph should be a formal analysis of the advertisement and the event. Discuss the following elements in your report: What does the event advertising initially communicate to you, what was it intended to communicate to you. How did the event match your expectations? What was different in what was communicated to you at the event about “Canada” from the advertising? Use the following questions to guide your observations: How did you hear about the event? What kind of advertising was there? Do a visual analysis of the advertising. Where is the event located? Why do you think the event is located in the particular area? What is it located near and is this important? Who organized this event? What do you think its purpose is? Who paid for the event? Was it free to enter or did it cost you money? Who sponsored this event? Why would companies pay to sponsor an event and why would they choose this one? What is your impression of the event? What does this event do to celebrated Canada? What images or figures are used to demonstrate the idea of Canada for participants? How is your experience at the event? How does it make you feel about Canada? What is emphasized? What is not included that you consider part of Canada/being Canadian? Walk around the event. Does your impression of it change at any different part? What decorations are used? What kind of food is sold? Why do you think this food was for sale? Is there a stage or music etc at the event? What types of things are there for you to see or do? How do they relate to Canada day? Reflect on the overall impression of the event. What would you change about the event? Your report should be independently written although you are welcome (encouraged even) to visit the statue with your classmates and discuss the questions above. However you should come to your own conclusions and write your own report.
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