Entries by Admin

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

 *No Format Needed* Choose three rights from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and write an essay in which you explain why these three freedoms are particularly important to you personally. Also suggest ways in which exercising them can make you a better citizen of Canada.


 It is recommended that you choose to interview an individual in an area of higher education which is a future career interest of yours. Please choose a college or university in new york, new jersey, maryland, near the east side. Your interview questions should explore how this leader’s position in their college or university assist […]

Linsanity: Identity for second generation model minorities.

 Linsanity was a short-term moment in American sports history, but one that was highly important to Asian-American young men. Traditionally, AsianAmerican men have played in the shadows of all the stereotypes that they are education focused and athletics is way down the priority list. Linsanity, some have said, was the arrival into popular American sports […]

Elderly Inmates

No title or headings. Many people are being sentenced to really long prison terms. This means that the prisoners are aging. Some inmates come into prison with terminal illnesses while others develop terminal illnesses while incarcerated. Please review the article in this week’s lesson and discuss the following ethical dilemma….. Bob is a 60 year […]

The Hero Story

Your assignment is to craft a Hero Story. Consider the Finding Your Hero Story document as a guide to help you craft your Hero Story. Scan the guide to get a sense for the type and flow of the questions. Consider using the guide to help you explore your history and develop your story. write […]

Case of hostile work environment at a major organization

Turn to current events in the news to find a case of hostile work environment at a major organization. Identify the organization and share the facts reported including both points of view. Analyze the facts using the law of hostile work environment. Explain whether this is a case of pervasive multiple acts or a single […]

Zero World Hunger

 Word count: Approximately 1,000 words, not including heading or Works Cited page [include word count after the date in your heading, e.g. 21 June 2015 (989)]. 1,000 equals 901-1,099—this is the range you have to work with. MLA Format including a Works Cited page.

Sustaining Global Land and Food Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper examining at least three of the following threats to land sustainability: Agribusiness Drought Soil erosion Exhausted land Overpopulation Pest control Genetically modified grains Hormones Antibiotics Discuss the sources of each issue and explain how the issue affects the global food supply. What are the positive and negative effects of […]

ER visits of asthmatic patients and cost of therapy

 Write a literature review comparing the worldwide experience of ER visits of asthmatic patients with the experience of ER visits of asthmatic patients in Saudi Arabia and the cost of therapy. The literature review should utilize several sources in which you can draw arguments that express different opinions. Use academic language and cite the references […]

Choose any alternative or complementary medication

 1. Select any alternative or complementary medication and discuss key factors including but not limited to, patient safety, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice. 2. Discuss the origins (historical uses, impact on culture, etc.), current uses, safety in at-risk populations (children, older adults, genetic predisposition, immunocompromised individuals, etc.) and other pertinent information. 3. Review pertinent patient […]

Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Decisions

 Your supervisor has asked you to do a 15-minute oral presentation at a staff meeting about a recent issue that occurred at another hospital in town. Following an industrial accident, two patients arrived at the emergency room of that hospital at the same time, presenting with very similar inhalation injuries. The hospital received a great […]

Cybersecurity Proposal and Synopsis

 Introduction Assume the role of a cybersecurity consultant, and your US client has asked you to submit a proposal detailing the considerations that must be taken to do business in China. Assignment: Provide a one page synopsis on GDP Effects

The ethnocultural attributes of people from Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican heritages.

In this Module we examined the ethnocultural attributes of people from Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican heritages. People of Mexican heritage are a very diverse group and are not easily described. Although no specific set of characteristics can fully describe Mexican people, some commonalities distinguish them as an ethnic group. Many second- and third generation […]

What arguments are marshaled against totalitarianism by the authors you read in The American Intellectual Tradition?

1. In the Totalitarianism forum, post your answers to the following questions: a. What arguments are marshaled against totalitarianism by the authors you read in The American Intellectual Tradition? Did any authors tend to support a collectivist model that could have led to a totalitarian regime? b. Given what you have read in other classes […]

The Neo-Orthodoxy forum

1. In the Neo-Orthodoxy forum, post your answers to the following questions: a. Looking specifically at Reinhold Niebuhr, what are his basic positions and what is his take on Christianity? b. Niebuhr has been linked to the Neo-Orthodoxy movement within Christianity – a moderate Christianity that cannot follow the progressive trend of abandoning 2000 years […]

Political Economy

Summary on Unique New York: class conflict and the development/ retrenchment of New York’s “exceptional” welfare state Joshua Freeman Working Class New York Introduction; Part 2 “Labor’s City; Ch 15 (the Fiscal Crisis) Kim Phillips- Fein Fear City: New York’s Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics · Western, Bruce, and Katherine Beckett. “How […]

Contested Knowledge Social Theory Today.

Readings: Seidman Ch. 1, 3, 2, 4, Seidman, Steven. (2017). Contested Knowledge Social Theory Today. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ; Farganis Ch. 2, 1, 3, 14 (Du Bois only), 5 – Fargains, James. (2014) . Readings in Social Theory. McGraw-Hill. Instructions: Do not closely paraphrase or quote. In other words, answer questions entirely in your own […]

Multinational Corporation & Strategic implementation.

 Consider yourself a management consultant. You have been commissioned by a domestic Saudi company to elaborate a report on the conditions necessary to successfully enter a ‘new’ market in foreign country. The senior management responsible asks you to assess the current strategy of the company, to produce realistic strategy and develop a plan for entering […]

Comparison of security features in Windows vs Linux.

 You will conduct research on a topic related to the security of Windows operating systems. *Written Paper (5-8 pages) *Title Page – containing: Subject Title (Comparison of security features in Windows vs Linux), Student’s Name (Forat Pack), Course Number and Title (CYB332 Secure Windows Administration), Instructor’s Name (Thomas Grimes) *APA format