Entries by Admin

Organizational Culture (immigration).

 Part One – For this assignment, search YouTube and select a video from an organization that discusses their stance on a political issue such as immigration (e.g., Starbucks statement about hiring 10,000 refugees, Budweiser commercial from 2017 Super Bowl on immigration). In 500-750 words, complete the following: *Describe how the messaging in the video reflects […]

Can miscarriages of justice be prevented?

 Can miscarriages of justice be prevented? In your answer you should include some analysis of all of the following: • Open justice, • The appeals process, • The Criminal Cases Review Commission, and • A case or cases applying the Criminal Appeal Act 1995.

“Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Case (8.10)” and “Tata Finance Limited Case (8.9)”

Topic: “Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Case (8.10)” and “Tata Finance Limited Case (8.9)” These two cases address some of the same issues. Read Case 8.10, “Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” first, for background on India’s culture and the development of professional institutions that impact accounting in India today. The Institute of Chartered […]

U.S Imperialism in Southeast Asia

 Note: This paper will write in “autoethnography”, so you must describe your experience or someone you know experience that bring the reader to the scene that you described or make them feel the emotion in the scene.Don’t hesitate to use the word “I” since the paper want to put the writer experience and emotion into […]

cognitive/developmental research paper

Choose a topic within the field of cognitive development. Be sure that your topic is within the cognitive domain, and that it is a developmental topic. Please feel free to do some reading in sections that sound interesting and see if that leads you to something that interests you.

Monde Nissin Corporation.

SkyFlakes® Crackers are produced by Monde M.Y. San Corporation, a subsidiary of Monde Nissin Corporation. In Canada, retail channel partners include Loblaw, Walmart and Amazon. You have been hired by the brand manager of SkyFlakes∗. The brand manager wants your insights into the following: 1) Briefly explain how you would position this product 2) Describe […]

A jury of her peers

 Some critics argue that Minnie is justified in killing her husband because she really had no other choice. Do you agree or disagree? Consider the time period of the story (the late 1800s to the early 1900s).


 There are three written assignments in the course, in which you will use the same organization ( I work for a hospital) to analyze the culture and make recommendations. Therefore, it is essential you start to think now about your company (hospital) selection. Consider selecting a company you work for (Hospital), a company a family […]

Does Morality Depend on Religion? & Ethical Egoism

 The textbook is Rachels, James & Stuart, The Elements of Moral Philosophy 7th, McGraw Hill Publishing 2012, New York, NY Read Me First! (Does Morality Depend on Religion?) 1. Read your homework assignment Chapter 4: Does Morality Depend on Religion. It is recommended that you read it more than once and/or take notes to get […]

First responders

First responders are an integral part of our society and play a paramount role in any crisis situation. With that in mind, first responders are often working in extremely traumatic situations, which can have a lasting impact on their professional and personal lives. As a caring professional, you need to be aware of this phenomenon […]

Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing.

 In an interdisciplinary field such as nursing, differing perspectives often contribute to greater understanding and fulfillment of a patient’s needs. Take a minute to think about how this relates to the theoretical foundations of nursing. How do theories from various fields inform nursing practice?  For this Discussion, you will explore how social and behavioral theories […]

Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway

. Ernest Hemingway’s stories are often written from the dramatic third person point of view. This means that the stories are in third person which means that there is no “I” voice and that all of the pronouns used are “he,” “she,” “they,” etc. There are then different kinds of third person point of views. […]

China’s Non-interference policy in Sudan

 Introduction requires 2 parts: 1. Establish centrality: include Little history about the topic + Why is it important? +Why is it interesting? +Why should the reader care? (1 page long, before lit. review) 2. The gap + establish a niche: include What has not been studied yet? + How to fill the gap in future […]


This paper should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words (approximately four to five pages) in length, and should cite at least two scholarly sources that were not assigned class readings. Citations may be in any common format you prefer to use, but please be sure to include complete citations. This paper can be on any […]

The pernicious impact of social media

The pernicious impact of social media” (Hiltzik) Argue for the need to “bring the negative impacts of the internet economy to the forefront of public attention” (Hiltzik) and the need for methods of protecting users from “the pernicious impact of social media.” 

Dyadic team development across cultures.

 Instructions For this assignment, you will use the following case study. Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=85301202&site=ehost-live&scope=site Given this scenario, include the following topics: Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group. Discuss strategies […]

The 20 Exercise Poem Activity

For this next activity, we are going to use Jim Simmerman’s 20 Exercise Poem creation directions below. Follow the direction below to create your own poem. Begin the poem with a metaphor. Say something specific but utterly preposterous. Use at least one image for each of the five senses, either in succession or scattered randomly […]


Agricultural-Biological-Technology is the future, and a company developing a new “gene” that would make food more nutritious would have a valuable asset if no other company could use their discovery. Make an argument as to why businesses that develop modified organisms should be able to preserve their property rights by patenting such organisms. Your argument […]

Identifying a Theoretical Framework

 Using your responses from u08s2, post a well-written message in which you address the following: Your research topic from section 1.1: Research Topic, of your Dissertation Research Plan. If you are developing a new theory, provide a brief statement explaining your choice of developing a new theory as opposed to applying an existing theory. If […]