Entries by Admin

Explain and provide examples of how colonialism and governmental violence led to new religious expressions and creativity in Mesoamerica

Explain and provide examples of how colonialism and governmental violence led to new religious expressions and creativity in Mesoamerica . Focus not only on the past, but also on more recent cases such as the story of Rigoberta Menchú. – Use at least three academic sources. You may use outside sources, but make sure to […]

Prosocial/antisocial behaviours

You can write about any topic that is in the field of prosocial/antisocial behaviours . for example effects of alcohol on aggression, media violence and aggression, effects of mood on altruism, intimate partner violence, etc. The 11 pages does not include the title page and the references. It has to be in APA format

Chart Note baconsultationse on Ethics

Chart Note baconsultationse on Ethics Write a chart note based on your ethics consultation, along with a reference for an article or professional guideline to educate the health care team. Your chart note (as distinct from your case reflection) should have the following headings: 1) ETHICS CONSULTANT (who lead the consultation?) 2) STATED REASON FOR […]

Concealed Handguns

Concealed Handguns Please follow attached instructions for completing my conflicting viewpoints in my critical thinking class. The topic that I have chosen for this paper is concealed handguns under the Politics section on ProCon.org. I am a proponent of concealed handguns laws and the purpose of this paper is not to persuade the reader to […]

Making argument about (You Can’t Win,[book])

Making argument about (You Can’t Win,[book]) Develop critical, thesis-based argument, supported by analyzed textual evidence. Integrate (Quote and Analyze) Research from at least 3 Sources, referenced in a Works Cited Page. Develop, Analyze and Assess (in Essay form) a Manifesto from You Can’t Win: Advocating for Penal Reform; Against Prison Practices; Promoting the Johnson Family […]

Discuss and explore how a religious Hsi lai Temple within the Buddhist context specifically activates the concept and design principle of modularity.

  Visual and Modular Analysis Step 1: Explore online (http://www.hsilai.org/en/tours/eVtHLT.php) and watch the uploaded Visiting Pics.pdf. This analysis is based on field observation of Hsi Lai Temple. It means you should assume that you visited there and then write down this analysis. The link and file (Visiting Pics) I provided above will show you enough […]

Mighty – complete ‘book review’

Book Reviews – (Justice, Primer, Fat Man) Format:  Three pages, single space, block format, justified margins, 12-point font  APA bibliographic citation of the work as your ‘title’  Your name, course, section number and date at the upper right  Both books are loaded with content – Justice has various different philosophies of […]

The concepts of the Johari Window as well as Transactional Analysis.

Communication Paper details: As with all of the assignments for this class, first make sure to thoroughly review the required background materials. Make sure you fully understand the concepts of the Johari Window as well as Transactional Analysis. You need to have a solid understanding of these important concepts in order to successfully complete this […]

NYT-Newsweek Organ Traffiking 2008-2012

There are 2 Long prompt and 1 short prompt. Long prompt should be 1300 pages each short prompt short be 400 pages THe word doc for the Long prompt 1 MeToo is little more than mob rule — is a legitimate form of social justice (1).docx Welsch and Vivanco- Chapter 9- Politics- Cooperation Conflict and […]

School to Prison Pipeline Paper

This module is an extension of topics learned last week (the school system and the criminal justice system). You will learn more about the school-to-prison pipeline (this isn’t a chapter in the book, so there are supplementary materials for you). The school-to-prison pipeline deferentially effects minority-status children, and represents an area where there is a […]

How is housing “linked to health and equity”

Answer the following questions based on the information in the Annual Message located at https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/annual-reports/2019-annual-message.html How is housing “linked to health and equity” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2019, para. 1)? Give two specific examples. What can a BSN graduate do as part of the professional nurse practice role to assist in addressing the two examples […]


Description Assume you are a financial analyst and you traded mainly on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and NASDAQ STOCK MARKET. A client request you to make an investment with$100,000cash. Then you should prepare a report that making suggestion. 1.In the beginning of report, you must assess the risk attitude of your client and make […]

Canadian Social History Essay – Families

Canadian Social History Essay – Families The length of the final paper is to be approximately 9 to 10 double-spaced, typed pages, 12 pt. Font, preferably Times New Roman). Pages within the body of the essay must be numbered (title pages should not be counted in the page numbering). A bibliography must be submitted with […]

Why is a greater degree of involvement in employees personal lives necessary in many international HRM activities?

Why is a greater degree of involvement in employees personal lives necessary in many international HRM activities? What makes an effective manager? What are the stages a firm typically goes through as it grows internationally and how does each stage affect the HR function? Important note- 1. Please follow proper APA style and proper citation […]

Employee Selection

Employee Selection   Paper details: Complete an informal assessment of your organization’s current employee selection practices. Be specific. Use an HR evidence-based approach. Write an 1000- to 1200-word paper guided by the following requirements: Introduction. Provide a brief introduction to the paper. Overview of Selection Practices. Describe your organization’s employee selection practices. Include a recent, […]