Entries by Admin

Statistical Essay On acorns and tree types

This is the grading rubric Introduction Topic introduced. Gives background details about model and whether a positive or negative correlation is expected. Variables explained. Issues of cause/effect and correlation discussed. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scatter Plots Scatter plots showing original data and residuals included. All graphs have axes properly […]

MEDEA BY Euripides.

* This is a response essay for a play called MEDEA BY Euripides. * I will upload all the instructions and the format. * you will have to use terms in that essay, and I will upload all the terms as well. you will use at LEAST 5 TERMS and make sure to UNDERLINE all […]

Change management plan

Change management plan   Paper details: Must follow the attached assessment main brief instruction. Need 3000 words. Use Harvard referencing style, use Lewin’s 3 stage of change (http://oer2go.org/mods/en-oya/business-101/webpages/Chapter6/5-lewins-3-stage-model-of-change-unfreezing-changing-refreezing.html) And 1 Microsoft Office365 referencing. Please use mid sized travel agency in this Assignment case.

Attitude-behavior Consistency

Attitude-behavior Consistency   Paper details: Examine what is meant by attitude-behavior consistency. Provide an example of when your behavior was not consistent with your attitude based on ability, competing demands for resources, social influence, and measurement problems.

What do anthropologists mean by ‘indigenous’ filmmaking?

 What do anthropologists mean by ‘indigenous’ filmmaking?   Paper details: How has indigenous filmmaking reshaped how we think about and create ethnographic film? There is now a proliferation of so-called ‘indigenous media’, at film festivals and – more importantly – across the web. What does this new media presence signal for anthropological approaches to filmmaking? […]

Mathematical addition strategies for first graders

 Mathematical addition strategies for first graders   Paper details: Annotated Resource Collection This assignment you will make a collection of practical resources that are reflective of the mathematics concept/process. Your resource collection should include a range of forms such as webpages, educator blogs, books, programs, youtube videos, images, and photographs, and at least 10 different […]

Key to Boosting a Consumer-driven Economy Fostering Cambodia’s E-Commerce Return Policy: Lessons from China

Key to Boosting a Consumer-driven Economy Fostering Cambodia’s E-Commerce Return Policy: Lessons from China   Paper details: 1.I would like to have a literature review written about this topic that focuses on illustrating the method in applying return policy in Cambodia when there aren’t formal rules or an e-commerce system like in Taobao, China and […]

System Development Life Cycle

System Development Life Cycle   Paper details: To Prepare: • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented. • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology. The Assignment: (2-3 pages) In preparation of filling this […]

Fragonard, The Swing, 1776

 Humanities   Paper details: Select only one of the following paintings and describe its organization in terms of the principles of composition including balance, gradation, movement and rhythm, proportion, unity, and variety: A) Fragonard, The Swing, 1776 B) Monet, Impression, Sunrise, 1873 C)O’Keeffe’s Rust Red Hills, 1930 Text: Humanities through The Arts 6th edition 2019 […]

Facebook Live Killings

Facebook Live Killings   Paper details: Assignment 1: Facebook Live Killings Due Week 4 (7/28/2019) I have attached the writing standard that must be used for the formatting of this assignment. Also please use the web link that I have attached in this description box. The assignment is based around that article and it is […]

Human Serivce Professional

Human Serivce Professional   Paper details: Reflection Essay. This assignment is similar to your Journal Summary Paper. a. The instructor encourages the student to use material from the Journal Summary Paper when completing this essay. b.The assignment requires you to reflect on tasks/activities related to you becoming a human service professional. c. Use double spacing […]

Chanching color. Will Texas Become A Blue State?

Chanching color. Will Texas Become A Blue State? Please read DESCRIPTION   DISCUSSION***** Submit a discussion in essay format describing the factors that could result in Texas transforming from a Republican Party dominate state, to a Democratic one. Further, be sure to discuss the implications at the state and national level if it were to […]

Compare the rates by race for Wisconsin and Colorado. Discuss possible biological, genetic, and environmental reasons for differences

Using the CDC Wonder website, set the query criteria for pancreatic cancer for the United States as illustrated below. Compare the rates by race for Wisconsin and Colorado. Discuss possible biological, genetic, and environmental reasons for differences. What are potential social determinants that contribute to the disparity presented between the two states? — Use this […]

Investigate gene-environment interactions

One method to investigate gene-environment interactions is to study monozygotic twins. Identify an example of a twin study not listed in the textbook used to examine the gene-environment interaction of a specific disease or condition. Briefly summarize the gene-environment interaction investigated, the methods, and the results. What are other possible methods for studying gene-environment interactions […]

Impact of e-word of mouth on consumer based brand equity

Impact of e-word of mouth on consumer based brand equity – One page and a Half (STATISTICAL ANALYSIS+ Adeuacy test+DISCERNMENT AND CONVERGENT VALIDITY ) -One Page (RELIABILITY+ common method bias + Model fit) – 2pages and half validity and hypothesis testing structured this way (e-WOM +perceved firm reputation + perceived brand innovation), (CBBE, firm reputation, […]

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 5: Professional Development In this Module’s Discussion, you were introduced to the concept of an academic portfolio to begin building your own brand. However, portfolios have value that goes beyond brand building. An academic and professional portfolio can also help you to build your own vision and […]

Education in diverse populations

Education in diverse populations  Paper details At least three pages (not including cover page and reference page), typed, 12 point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins (students should not cut and paste tables from their sources – they should report findings in a narrative format). • Written in a scholarly manner with an introduction, appropriate subheadings, […]