Are Hispanic Children who are exposed to pre diabetes at an increase risk for cardiovascular disease compared with children who are not exposed to pre diabetes at ages 3 to 18.
Are Hispanic Children who are exposed to pre diabetes at an increase risk for cardiovascular disease compared with children who are not exposed to pre diabetes at ages 3 to 18.
MUST USE End Note Program to site references!!!!! All references must be within the last 5 years. Please fill out sample data extraction item template and Prisma 2009 diagram with references used. Using this PICO statement: Are Hispanic Children who are exposed to pre diabetes at an increase risk for cardiovascular disease compared with children who are not exposed to pre diabetes at ages 3 to 18. Hypothesis: If Hispanic children have better access to health care and are more aware of their exposure to pre diabetes, then they will have better control of their health. Specific Aims and objectives: – identifying the risk of cardiovascular issues in relation to pre diabetes – identifying the severity of Hispanic children that are at risk to pre diabetes – identifying the relation to those that are not at risk with diabetes and their risk to cardiovascular issues in hispanic children of ages 3 to 18 Organization RULE: Use appropriate headings and subheadings. Use appropriate/effective transitions. Use effective sequence of ideas/information Introduction/Background RULE: Present clear statement demonstrating that the focus of the study is on a significant problem that is worthy of study. Present a well articulated summary of research literature that substantiate the study with reference. Objective/s RULE: Clearly state overall goal of the study, objective/specific aim/s and tied them to the research hypotheses, if applicable. Methods RULE: Tell reader about the study design, sampling, recruitment, site/s, inclusion, exclusion criteria, and main variables relevant to the research objectives/aims and how they were measured. Data Analysis RULE: Describe statistical procedures and techniques used to analyze and evaluate study data. Results RULE: Provide study findings. Present these as logically appropriate in text, tables, or figures; do not repeat in the text what is demonstrated in a table or figures. Discussion/Conclusion/Recommendation/Implication on nursing practice RULE: Discuss study findings so that it reflect objectives and hypothesis. Emphasizing new and important aspects of the study’s conclusions. Ensure that all conclusions are justified by the results. Identify the implications of the findings and their limitations. Compare the implications and limitations of these findings with those reported in other related studies. Recommendations, if appropriate, may be included. References: RULES: MUST USE ENDNOTE. Table/s RULES: Use appropriate title for each table. Abbreviations may be used to simplify a table; define all abbreviations in a single footnote. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text. Identify statistical measures of variation such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean Figure/s RULES: Figures and its legend should be sufficiently informative that the results can be understood without reference to the text.
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