What do you think are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of health care in America?
Ask each individual the following questions: What do you think are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of health care in America? Can you briefly describe your experiences with the health care system? What has been most beneficial in your dealings with the health care system? Most concerning? What major trends do you see occurring in the health care system in the next 5 to 10 years? What changes would you like to see in the system, and how could they be brought about? Write a 4-5 page reflection paper on what you have learned. Write 3-5 paragraphs describing the salient features of your interview (i.e. their responses to the questions. Talk a bit about the person’s life experience with the health care system, from either the consumer or professional perspective, depending on whom you have interviewed. For consumers/beneficiaries, be sure to consider their age, , whether they consider themselves healthy or ill, insurance status, experiences with the health care system, etc. For provider, be sure to consider age, professional status, lived experiences with health care system, etc. Compare and contrast the responses of your two interviewee’s. What surprised you about this interview? If nothing surprised you, why do you think that is? Was there anything important in their non-verbal language (body language, tone of voice, emotion) that a written transcript would miss? Thinking about this interview, how do you think the person’s life experiences may have impacted responses? (Remember, if you interviewed a manager or other health care provider, s/he is a human being first and foremost!) As a health care professional, what lessons can you take from your interview?
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