Emerging Health Issue: Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Present a 12 –15 slide PowerPoint on the emerging health issue “Vaccine Preventable Diseases”. Format the PowerPoint according to APA guidelines. The number of slides exclude the title and reference pages. Substantial Speaker Notes are required throughout the entire presentation. Below you will find articles with more info on speaker notes. Please make sure to proof read the slides;spelling mistakes, the use of of repeated words, grammatical errors it might have. 1. Discuss the potential impact of the issue on a health care organization. 2. Analyze the potential risks of the issue on a health care organization. 3. Propose strategies for addressing the issue in health care settings. 4. Examine the role of the health care manager for the health issue. Make the second slide and outline of the presentation. Follow the order of the outline for the rest of the presentation. Only place main points on the outline slide. Use 1-2 slides per minute of presentation. Include 4-5 bullet points per slide; use key words and phrases only. Use graphs rather than just charts and words. Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data. Trends are easier to visualize in graph form. Always title the graphs. For the conclusion, Use an effective and strong closing Your audience is likely to remember your last words. Use a conclusion slide to summarize the main points of your presentation and suggest future avenues of research. Reference your readings and include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar articles. Review attached Grading Rubric: file:///Users/macuser/Downloads/3180_PPT_Rubric.pdf Below are articles on what Speaker notes are and how to add them to your presentation: https://www.free-power-point-templates.com/articles/speaker-notes/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.lifewire.com/what-are-powerpoint-speaker-notes-2767471 (Links to an external site.) https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-speaker-notes-to-your-slides-26985155-35F5-45BA-812B-E1BD3C48928E
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