Compare art from the Italian and N European Renaissance. How do each regions differ from medieval art and from each other. Are there any similarities in expression, purpose, technique to art from Africa and the Americas?
Write an essay of approx. 5 pages, double-spaced on your choice of topics listed below. You must include an informative narrative that includes ample examples of art, architecture, and/or literature in their historical and cultural context (some verbatim citation) that illustrate and support your position. Include about one page in which you express how the issues identified in your essay affect your perception of this era and your perception of the study of humanities more generally. Use at least 4 quality sources that do not include the textbook.* You may use up to 50% of your examples (illustrations, art and architecture, primary sources) from our text. In text citation required (MLA style). *Encyclopedic sources like Wikipedia and Britannica do have a purpose but it is NOT to use as a major source for an academic project. Please do not completely ignore sources like these but use them for the purpose to which they are best suited. Read them and utilize their bibliography – they are good introductions to many topics. This citation from the author and compiler of one of the earliest encyclopedic works puts it nicely: “For I have not made an excessively deep and obscure investigation of the intricacies of these topics, but I have presented the first fruits, so to say, and a kind of foretaste of certain subjects . . . and I beg my readers consider them written, not so much to instruct, as to give a hint, and that they may be content with my “pointing out the path” and afterwards follow up with those subjects, if they so desire, with the aid of either books or of teachers.” Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, pref.13 Topics: Compare art from the Italian and N European Renaissance. How do each regions differ from medieval art and from each other. Are there any similarities in expression, purpose, technique to art from Africa and the Americas?
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