Social Problems
Research Project: Paper and Presentation
Social Problems
Social problems vary across cultures. For this project, you will choose a social problem that occurs in another country. Over the course of the semester, you will conduct a case study of a contemporary social problem in which you research the causal factors that led to the social problem, the way that the social problem maintains inequality, how sociological theory explains the social problem in the country you are studying, and solutions to the problem. The outcome of your research will be three related papers and a presentation to the class. Not only will this assignment develop your understanding of an international social problem, but it will also teach you how to write a thesis statement, locate a reliable academic source, and give you presentation experience.
You will conduct library research on your topic, and we will meet with a librarian who will show you how to locate reputable sources. Websites have a lot of great information, and they can be useful for learning about organizations involved in the management of social problems. However, websites are only one source of information, and they are not always reputable. You also need to find information from other sources, such as academic journals, books, videos, and periodicals. This is why we are learning from the librarian about finding social science resources. You will need to look at both popular (i.e. local newspapers, organization sites, etc.) and scholarly work to support your claims with evidence to show how and why you are reaching your conclusions. You should include at least two academic references in your final paper. Remember, if you use information from the Internet or any other source, you must properly cite your sources!
Monday, Feb 18: In-class workshop to choose topic
Wednesday, Feb 20: Meeting with Arts and Sciences Librarian
Friday, Feb 22: Research proposal due in dropbox
Friday, March 8: Paper 1 due in dropbox
Friday, April 5: Paper 2 due in dropbox
Friday, April 12: Paper 3 due in dropbox
April 26-May 3: Presentations in class; submit presentation before class in dropbox
Late Policy: All work should be submitted on time. Research proposals submitted late will be docked 2 points for each day they are late. You MUST submit a proposal in order for me to grade your final research paper. I cannot accept any late submission for the final research paper. You cannot make up the presentation. You must be present on the day you signed up to give your presentation in order to receive credit for this part of the assignment. If you know you will have a problem meeting a deadline, you should meet with me immediately.
Project Parts and Guidelines
Research Proposal (5 points)
In your proposal, clearly define what the social problem is you are analyzing and the country you are focusing on. You can choose a social problem we already discussed in class, but you will need to explain how you will take a different or new approach to the social problem (for instance, you are studying it in a different country). You should narrow your topic to a manageable project. For example, instead of trying to explain sexism in general as a social problem, narrow your discussion to an aspect of the subject such as how dating violence, sexual assault or sexual harassment has become a social problem within a particular society.
Your proposal should include your thesis statement (we will talk more about this in class), as well as a brief explanation of the social problem in your country currently. What are the current facts regarding the present state of the social problem? You must cite one academic source in your proposal, as well as any other sources you use to get your data.
Formatting requirements: 1 page, with a second page for references; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins on all sides; double-spaced; follow ASA citation style
Paper 1: Causal Factors (20 points)
In Paper 1, you need to research and explain the factors that led to this becoming a social problem in your country. These could be factors that are political, social, economic, and/or cultural. You must cite one academic source in this paper (that you did not already cite in the proposal).
As you conduct your research for this paper, these are some questions you can keep in mind. You do not have to answer each question, but they can help you with your research and writing: (A) What is the history of the social problem? Has it always been a public concern? Has its definition changed over time? (B) What agents (politicians, advocacy groups, nonprofit agencies, etc.) first defined the situation as a social problem? What agents have kept it in the national spotlight? Have any groups challenged the definition of it as a social problem?
Formatting requirements: 2-3 pages, with an additional page for references; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins on all sides; double-spaced; follow ASA citation style
Paper 2: Theory (20 points)
In Paper 2, you will analyze your social problem from the 3 theoretical perspectives: symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory. First, explain each theory in your own words. Then, analyze the problem in different ways based on each theory.
You can use these questions to guide you: (A) How, if at all, does this problems contribute to the functioning of society? Which groups is it functional for? What are dysfunctions of the problem? (B) Are there any symbols associated with the problems? How might different groups in your country interpret parts of the problem differently and why? (C) How, if at all, does this social problem interact maintain inequality in the society you are studying? Who are the dominant and minority groups, and how are they each affected by the social problem? What are the power relationships between those defining the problem and those directly affected?
Formatting requirements: 2-3 pages, with an additional page for references; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins on all sides; double-spaced; follow ASA citation style
Paper 3: Solutions and Personal Position (20 points)
In Paper 3, you will identify and evaluate the solutions to the social problem and take a personal position on the problem.
To identify and evaluate the solutions, you should highlight that groups, organizations, and/or political and legal parts that are involved with solving this problem. What solution(s) have already been tried and by whom? What solutions work? Did the solutions raise any additional problems?
Finally, considering all the research you have done, take a personal position. What conclusion(s) can you draw about the social problem in your country? What do you think would be the best solution? Why? Be sure to support your position with relevant research and data to support your view.
Formatting requirements: 2-3 pages, with an additional page for references; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins on all sides; double-spaced; follow ASA citation style
Presentation (10 points)
Finally, you will put together a presentation (Power Point has worked well in the past) to share your research with the rest of the class. At a minimum, your presentation should provide a brief overview of your social problem and the country you are studying it in, explain to the audience the causal factors that led to the social problem, how social theory explains the problem, and what solutions to and evaluations of the problem you suggested. Each person will have the same amount of time to present their research to the rest of the class. See the rubric for more information on what to include.
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