Design 2 difference screens and input and an output screen
Directions: This project will require you to design 2 difference screens and input and an output screen. While, you do not have to be a programmer to design these screens, I do want them to be electronic. Hand sketches will not work. Use the drawing tools in Word, or Excel to draw the input and output fields. Your drawings should include an appropriate use of color and fonts. I mainly want you to be thinking about how screens should be developed. For this project, we will return back to the Catering Business that we worked with on Project 1. The business is Brock’s Catering. You are designing a prototype of the Event Input Screen and the Billing Invoice. Event Input Screen
This screen should include the following elements: Name of the Event Date of the Event Time of the Event Customer Title (Mr., Mrs, Dr., etc) Customer First Name Customer Last Name Customer Home Phone Number Customer Cell Phone Number Customer Work Phone Number Customer Address Menu Items (This should be up to 10 items, ideas for fields would be appetizer, salad, entrée, vegetable 1, vegetable 2, vegetable 3, bread choice, wine, beverage, dessert) Cost per person Estimated number of people attending event Total Cost Deposit Chef Name Wait Staff Members needed Wait Staff Assigned to event Billing Output Screen For this part of the project, design a billing statement for the customer. This should be a printed billing statement on 8.5 X 11 paper and should include the following elements: Date of Bill Name of the Event Date of the Event Time of the Event Customer Title (Mr., Mrs, Dr., etc) Customer First Name Customer Last Name Customer Address Total Amount Due (total cost – deposit) Due Date Company Billing Address Thank you for your business statement This part of the project will be worth 50% of the project grade. I will be looking for the following: All fields included on the screen 20 points Consistent design elements (same fonts, colors, etc.) 20 points Overall does screen have attractive layout, free from errors 10 points
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