Augustus of prima porta
800 words (not including citations and bibliography) • include properly formatted citations and bibliography • use a minimum of three research sources, in addition to the course text • do not use Wikipedia for your assignments, since it has no academic reliability. in): • use Chicago style formatting, with proper citation of sources • typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with no title page or cover Structure: • Write a clearly stated thesis statement in the frst paragraph. • Develop your main points in the body of the paper. • End your paper with a concluding paragraph that summarizes your ideas. TIPS: • Be sure to develop an argument and structure that holds the paper together. • Do not write the review as if the professor is your reader. Imagine you are writing to someone like you. They know a little about art but have not seen this work. • Subjective responses should not dominate the ‘voice’ of the paper. Usually, the frst person (“I”) is reserved for the frst and last paragraphs, or when you are describing a subjective encounter with the work. • Only include biographical information on the artist if it advances your thesis. • Watch out for weak opening lines: “The painting that most jumped out at me …” • Avoid empty and awkward exaggeration: “she is like the greatest master who ever lived;” “his amazing realism has dropped jaws all over the world.” • Watch out for vague, overly general claims: “There is more to this painting than meets the eye.” “art makes you see the world in new ways and this watercolour is no exception;” “art is in the eye of the beholder.” • Do not open the review with a vague generalization: “…it was a work that really caught my eye.” Please note that student papers will be graded using, a site that checks against databases of electronic books and articles, archived webpages, and previously-submitted student papers.
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